Evyrgreen Accountability

Get all the tools and structure you need to be held accountable to achieving your goals, completing your courses, and making real change in your life and business.

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Need help staying accountable?

Join Evyrgreen Accountability

Our goal is to help you stay accountable each day. Why? Because even if you have a strong purpose and a clear plan, if you are missing accountability you will not take action.

Leaders need an outside resource to hold them accountable

Sure, you can hold yourself accountable in the morning, and even into the afternoon, but did you know that we all have a finite amount of willpower to use each day? Usually by mid-afternoon your willpower (and your goals) are shot. But if you have to answer to an accountability group, you are 10x more likely to GET SH&T DONE!

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How does it work?

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Accountability Group

You will be placed in an Accountability Group of 5 people where you will each hold one another accountable to achieving your goals. Each person will "own" a weekday on which they are responsible for sending the morning and evening check-in WhatsApp messages and ensuring that the other team members respond and achieve their goals for that day.

On "your day" you are also expected to answer the questions for yourself, in the group message. 

The Evyrgreen team will be included in each group, and will be watching to ensure that all group members are doing their part each day.

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Daily Messages

You'll receive two WhatsApp messages each weekday to hold you accountable: one in the morning asking you what your task is for the day and one in the evening asking if you achieved your goal. These messages will be sent by the group leader for that day.

You are expected to respond to both messages, and if you do not achieve your goal for that day, your daily group leader will ask why you did not achieve your goal and by when you will achieve it—you will be expected to answer this question, as well.

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All the structure you need to be held accountable

Instead of relying on your mood, sign up to our accountability system and ensure that you have the tools and structure to be effective and get more done. With daily check-ins from your group members, monthly coaching, and of course the Evyrgreen courses, you'll all be able to stay on track and support one another as you reach your goals. 

Remember: A rising tide lifts all boats.

What do I need to do?

You must be willing to put in the time and effort it takes to hold your group members accountable. Accountability systems only work if everyone is ALL IN and responsible for one another. You're a team!

You will have to download the messaging application, WhatsApp. This is how you and your group members will communicate with each other each day.

The Evyrgreen team will be included in each group, and will be watching to ensure that all group members are doing their part each day.

Where do I sign up?

Our accountability system is available right now for only $97/month for the first 100 people who register. Don't wait, sign up today and start being accountable to your goals!

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