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Sales Navigator Bootcamp Replay

Sales Navigator Overview for Sales Professionals that want to learn Prospecting on LinkedIn.

Watch the replay on-demand. We cover simple strategic steps to create the right habits for prospecting using Sales Navigator on LinkedIn.

Learn more here:



Learn how to use sales navigator, what is a lead, what is an account, how to search, how to set up alerts, how to review a prospect and understand the limitations and how to leverage the organic version of LinkedIn alongside sales navigator. 


Learn the list management strategy for lists of leads and list of accounts. Reviewing how to add new people to lists and when to move them from one list to another list to keep things organized. How to see who posted on LinkedIn to stay top of mind with prospects organically via Lists.


Learn the best InMail Strategy to write great subject lines and messages that are direct but also simple for prospects to respond to. The key is to be serving not selling but at the same time qualifying to measure future interest. The right amount of customization and context goes a long way. We will break down successful messages and help understand how to use templates to speed up messaging.


Learn advanced search operators to create niche lists and how to leverage the search feed on Sales Navigator which helps you find new opportunities, position changes and more triggers to reach out to potential clients. Searching on Sales Navigator is the key to filling your lists with new fresh prospects to reach out to each time you use the platform. We will break down the filters and learn how to combine them.


Learning how to leverage LinkedIn organic in combination with Sales Navigator by optimizing your profile and creating content that you can share with your prospects. The right profile will help get prospects interested in you and building your organic reach can supplement your efforts when prospecting. 


Creating a habit and using Sales Navigator consistently. Leveraging bookmarks, getting an assistant, learning a few technologies to automate scheduling, emailing and finding prospect data in combination with Sales Navigator will help take your prospecting to the next level. 


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